Sunday, August 7, 2011

I must not be from Conshy

Thank you to everyone for the numerous emails I received about the blog. When I am not blogging, I am out gathering blogging material and living a rich fantasty life. Since I've been gone for two or three days, I have lots of material. Unfortunately, I don't have time to blog right at this moment; but I assure you, I will be back soon.

That being said, one of the things I've been reading on Facebook (via my BlackBerry) are tons of entries about "You know you're from Conshy when...yada yada yada." Judging by the obsessive volume and the content of the posts, I discovered I must not be from Conshy. I think, perhaps, I must be from somewhere exotic, like Connaughtown. Remember The Curve Inn? Yeah, sure you do!!!!!!

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