Monday, August 1, 2011

Don't ask Ralph

Stan, pastor of Church of the Cross, was in Carmella's Casa Italiana this afternoon with his wife, Karen.  Church of the Cross is sponsoring a "Back to School Bash" for the kids in the Bayshore community. Visit for the details. It's a worthy cause. And remember, we must educate these children today, because tomorrow they will be running the country when we are in our dotage. Just saying..... On a serious note, I am honored to be able to contribute.

Ralph & I had movie night on Saturday. We watched Adam Sandler's "Just Go with It." I'll be the first to admit I'm not the best movie companion because invariably I fall asleep. As I mentioned in a previous blog, I'm a highly trained professional, and as such, I have to get my 40 winks whenever I can.

That being said, I did not fall asleep during this movie. I was not very attentive in the beginning because I was downloading pictures to the Carmella's Casa Italiana web site from the 4th year anniversary party. I made the mistake of encouraging the readers of my blog to go check out the pictures....and sure enough, my sister, Donna, was right on it and saying she couldn't find them. Yes, because they weren't there. 

Ralph is a very quiet movie watcher. Of course, so am I because I'm sleeping, especially if it's a movie about zombies, monsters, killing, torture, or inhumane treatment of animals.

This was a comedy and a bit of a love story, so it was easy to stay awake. So, imagine my surprise when Ralph says, "That's Dave Matthews. You know, from Dave Matthews Band. He had that hit single." And on and on and on. Shocked by this big explanation of Dave Matthews, I was compelled to say that although I couldn't pick out Dave Matthews from a police line-up, I certainly know who he is and indeed I have his CD. I added that I think it's red and bluish gray in color. Frankly, it sounds right, but it's unlikely I'll be searching through my extensive CD collection (that I just packed away) to check my memory.

Given this exchange, I thought it was OK to talk. So I asked Ralph where the freaky character with the thick glasses came from. And I asked if Adam Sandler's character was a cardiologist or a plastic surgeon. And I asked what exactly was Jennifer Anniston's job.....

It wasn't OK to talk. So I gave up asking questions. Next time I plan to stay awake during a movie, I'll pay attention from the beginning. Sorry Donna, if pictures need to be downloaded, they will have to wait.

There was an animal scene. Like I always do when animals are involved, I watched all the credits until it got to the bitter end when finally I read "The Humane Society monitored all animal scenes. No animals were harmed during the making of this film." And while I was feverishly reading all the credits, I learned that Nicole Kidman had a dancing body double in the movie. What am I talking about? Well, don't ask Ralph! I guess you'll have to watch the movie, because I'm not talking.

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