Monday, July 25, 2011

It's my birthday, gonna party....

OK, today is not my birthday, but it's my birthday's fault that I have been away for so long. I don't know where the time goes! I celebrated Friday at Tarpon Pointe and the restaurant, Saturday and Sunday in the pool, and tonight at the Outback with a steak and lobster dinner. Since that is the case, I guess we should talk about my birthday.

When I went to bed on Thursday, I knew that Friday was my birthday. The next morning the alarm went off. I thought, "Yay! It's finally time to get up for work!" OK, that's a big lie. It really went something like this, "UGH, I have to get up for work." For the first time in my life, my first waking thought on my birthday was not, "It's my birthday!"

I did what I always do, I stretched and lazily turned on the TV to hear what was happening in the world. I heard Haley Wielgus saying, "Good morning, it's Friday, July 22nd." It hit me then that it was my birthday. So I did a double "UGH, I not only have to go to work, but I'm on call for my birthday." Whatever, I'm a trooper, so I got up, hit the bathroom, did a few exercises, got dressed, and overall, I was feeling pretty good about myself. I headed downstairs to clean the litter boxes, feed the cats and birds, and have a little breakfast.

When I got down there, there was a card and gift from Ralph. I debated if I should wait to open everythiing until Ralph could be with me, but that probably wasn't going to happen until after 10:00 pm. I was feeling happy, so opened the card and gift without him.

The gift was the blu-ray movie "Limitless." The card was beautifully written and said something like it's a time to pause and celebrate and to not only look forward but also to look back. I thought I would cry...and I had to go to work so I couldn't afford tears. Looking forward or backwards, there was going to be a pity party because this is not how I envisioned my life would be at this age! Instead of tears, I just got cranky.

I was at lunch, and my co-workers eventually realized it was my birthday. I alluded to my crankiness and sorrow about how my life was. Carla, one of my co-workers said, "Carrie, you have a nice life. You have wonderful children, a great house, a job, etc."

And I thought, "OMG, I am really an ungrateful b---h! I have a daughter-in-law, an ex-daughter-in-law, two out of three children, four out of six grandchildren, and one out of two sisters who think I walk on water. My house and car are paid off. There is that restaurant loan and the restaurant is hanging on by a thread, but at least it's hanging.  So what? Everything can't be perfect. Yet!"

I made a decision right then and there to cultivate and maintain a positive attitude. I never had much of a problem with that, until the restaurant. The restaurant is just going to take more work than I thought and I can't allow that venture to ruin my life.

Anyway, on my birthday, I received birthday greetings too numerous to count on Facebook in the form of wishes, banners, and heart touching sentiments. (Donna, what you wrote really tugged at my heart strings.) A good friend and my mother gave me beautiful cards. Deborah made an outstanding ornament from sea glass, seashealls, and wire. My mother gave me a desert rose and replanted it in a gorgeous ceramic pot. Byron made a card that had me rolling on the floor......

There's a story regarding the desert rose, but that will have to wait until another time.

I'm very fortunate to be surrounded by people who can open my eyes. I'm truly blessed and grateful. And so far, I'm maintaining my positive attitude and outlook. Thank you to everyone, family and friends. I don't know what I do for you, but I'm honored and I know what you do for me. Thanks again.

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