Thursday, July 14, 2011

Is it the full moon or the 3 H weather?

I watch channel 7 news in the morning while I'm exercising and getting ready for work at MMH. John Sclazi is the morning weather man, and lately he's been describing our weather as "3H." I'm appalled! After all, this is summer time in Florida and it's our rainy season. Why wouldn't it be hot, humid, and hazy? Since people are beginning to travel again, and Florida is THE # 1 travel destination, John ought to put a positive spin on our weather. Perhaps say something about balmy days, blue skies, breathtaking sunrises, dramatic sunsets, gentle breezes, and the importance of wearing a good deodorant and effective mosquito repellent when outdoors.

I don't know about you, but I depend on the tourists! They come into my restaurant, eat, tip, and just otherwise have a grand time. We embrace them. I frown on any negativity regarding our fair state that might discourage these visitors. I know, I know. You hate the increase in traffic, long lines at the movies and restaurants, the weirdness during the full moon. If you can think of another way to get tourist money down here without the tourists, let me know. I'll support your efforts 100%.

And speaking of the full moon, I love the moon, full or otherwise. It reminds me of my father because I always thought he hung the moon. When it's low in the sky and has that rosy hue over the yellow, I almost feel like I can touch it. It keeps me company at night when I am falling asleep because I can see it from my bed through the window. Some mornings it's still just as big as ever as I drive to MMH.  I take pictures of it and I post them on Facebook.

Deborah and Ralph are working at Carmella's Casa Italiana today. Ralph has a way with ingredients and everything he cooks is inspired and creative. Among other things, Ralph makes the bread and rolls. His bread is the best I've ever tasted. We started asking customers if they want bread, because it's heartbreaking to throw it away because we automatically gave bread to a customer who didn't want it.

Deborah had the usual scattering and smattering of diners. One man came in, read the menu, then cautiously questioned Deb about peanuts in the food. Deborah was pensive and attentive as the man described his peanut allergy in great and lengthy detail.

Bear in mind, this is an Italian restaurant and pizzeria. Did he think he was on an airplane? Deborah looks and acts like a sexy server/hostess/dining room manager. No way does she remotely resemble a flight attendant. PEANUT ALLERGY! We do not serve little bags of peanuts that are impossible to open nor do we cook with peanut oil. We use strictly 100% extra virgin olive oil.

I was just monitoring the restaurant cameras. It took me a little while to figure it out, but Deborah was pointing to the exit doors while explaining how the oxygen masks fall from overhead. She was cautioning the customers to put on their own mask first before helping others. Then I saw all these bowls of peanuts throughout the restaurant and peanut shells all over the floor.

There's a full moon tomorrow night. Or is it the 3 H weather?

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