There was no blog on Sunday because Sunday is a day of rest. As you are aware, this started in biblical times. So I floated in the pool for almost two hours, then I did laundry, vacuumed, changed the sheets on my bed, mopped the kitchen floor, and cleaned out the bottom of the kitchen sink in preparation for the arrival of the handyman on Monday.
Originally I said I didn't want to squeeze under the sink, especially on Sunday since I had already squeezed into my bathing suit for the pool. But there I was, body all out of alignment, looking around under there and up at the sink connections. Sure enough I twisted something and got some sort of muscle spasm. I didn't give it any thought and continued on with the day, the magnificent day of "rest".
Around 11:00 pm after I was sleeping for a couple of hours, I got the urge to have a snack. OMG! I could barely roll over to get out of bed. I made it downstairs and had great difficulty getting the ice cream and chocolate chips out of then back in the freezer. I love my refrigerator with the French doors and bottom freezer; but be forewarned, bottom freezers are not for people with aching backs. It occurred to me to take some Motrin, so it's a good thing I had the snack attack! As you'll remember, it was several hours later when the pager went off for the STEMI alert at Manatee Memorial Hospital. My back felt pretty good by that time, and you already know the rest of that story.
Yesterday, east met west regarding my bike; unfortunately, not over Great Balls of Fire at Carmella's Casa Italiana. They did it over the phone. Geesh, how so 1999 is that? After all, this is twenty eleven!
Mark from Nirve left voice mail explaining that he filled out a warranty ticket, the new bike parts would be mailed out shortly, and I could expect to be out riding very soon. I haven't received the parts yet, so I guess he didn't send them out overnight express. He could have flown out here from California with the new bike parts, and I could have bought him and the Village Bike Expert dinner at the restaurant. Really, is that too much to ask? Oh well, another good idea goes bad.
Since I got out of work on time for the first time this week, and since there's no bike, I didn't know what to do with myself. It was a beautiful afternoon, so I decided to go in the pool. Great decision, and this brings up the topic of sunscreen.
For ten years, sunscreen marketers and the FDA have argued over labeling and formulation rules. Marketers have pushed for less regulation, and while this was going on, over 80,000 people have died from skin cancer in the United States.
Everything they told us is a lie. I consider the biggest lie, perhaps lie of omission, to be failing to tell us that sunscreen needs to be reapplied every two hours. Let's not even get into what swimming and sweating does to the dissipation of sunscreen. Forget about 'waterproof,' 'full spectrum,' and 'effective.'
So, specifically, what that means is the sunscreen that I so religiously apply to my face every morning at 6:00 am is long gone before I ever go riding or do gardening 10 to 12 hours later. I guess better late than never to know that information. I figured something was amiss anyway and took other measures like wearing a hat or a do-rag.
The big issue, then, is reapplying sunscreen to my face after work. I certainly can't put on sunscreen over my make-up. And I certainly have no intention of washing my face, reaaplying sunscreen and make-up, then going out doors to sweat to death.
A little bit of research and I solved the problem. I found a nice little product sold by Sephora called Instant Mineral SPF 45. It's a translucent powder that can be applied to the face at any time. The label says it can be applied immediately before going out doors and it's effective.
Manufacturers have a year to get up to speed with the sunscreen product and labeling. That Instant Mineral label could be big lie but I'm using the product and so far so good.
I also bought Sugar Honey Tinted Lip Treatment SPF 15. It goes on smoothly and I love the color. But I notice some sort of taste when I first apply it that's not exactly flavored, but a taste just the same. I know kids like cherry flavored lip gloss and what not; but really, I'm not 12 and I'm sure as heck not interested in any kind of flavored lipstick.
My fear is that one of those picante lovers will show up, our eyes will lock, he'll lightly touch my face, he'll wrap his arms around me, and when our lips meet, he might notice the taste. At that point I want him thinking 'Great Balls of Fire' not cherries!
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