Saturday, July 30, 2011

Carmella's Casa Italiana celebrates 4 years

Yesterday was our big restaurant bash marking four years in business! What a feat when you consider the economy, the times, the money, and the struggle involved in just keeping up-> more to the point: the blood, sweat, and tears! Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's not just a musical group, it's a way of strife, I mean life.

Many many thanks to my family, friends, supporters, and everyone else who helped make this possible. I couldn't have done it without you! Stephen King, we thank you. And also Jerry Springer, Brian Johnson, and of course Pee Wee Herman, who made super surprise appearances!  Frank Sinatra is always there. Jarret, our resident clown, was the most industrious in creating a Carmella's Casa Italiana sensation.

We had two raffles, cake, scratch offs (sad to report no winners), etc. We tried to get people to put on a crazy red wig and do a little dance for free draft beer. The only taker on that was Ralph at the end of the night! Pictures of that are posted on our Carmella's Casa Italiana website on the Pictures & Site Map page.

Oh, I know you want to see Ralph dancing, so I posted it here. (You will find other pictures on the web site). Can you imagine having all that energy after being on your feet and working for 11 hours? That's Deb in the background cheering him on and adding to the end of the night festivities!

I do deliveries, dishes, answer the phone, and more or less pitch in where needed when I am there on Fridays. This particular Friday, probably because of all the party fun, I didn't do many loads of dishes. So, Ralph had to do them. And he still had energy to dance! God bless him, he's good. And I am sincere when I say that. I know some of what I write is fantasy, but this is true. Also, Tim is very loyal and Deborah goes above and beyond. Thank you for sticking it out!

When we were recently partnered at the hospital to do inventory, David, one of my nurse friends at MMH, said he could never work for me. He said over and over, "You're a stickler for detail and a PIA. I could never work for you; I feel for your sister!"  (HELLO, stickler for detail, inventory, don't they go hand in hand? I rest my case!) YIKES! It's my parents' fault. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa. Oh, my mother loves me, so it's OK!

And speaking of fantasy, thank God the NFL lockout is over. Facebook Fantasy Football 2011 became available and Ralph sent me an invitation to join.  I am honored to be included! That was Wednesday. So you know this has been an epic week! Look for Lady Casa's Ragazzi on Facebook Fantasy Football 2011! We're gonna rock! I mean kick some lean mean pigskin! I just hope my football responsibilities don't interfere with my Friday night dish washing at the restaurant.

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