Saturday, October 26, 2013

Nutcases and comfort food

WOW! I haven't blogged in a very long time. I miss it and so today I'm going to blog. I'll blog about what's going on and about things I hope will be going on.

For starters, there have been many new faces at Carmella's Casa Italiana. The turn over in servers has been amazing...considering nobody really wants to work in this town. Of course, that could contribute to the turn over. Whatever! It's still amazing that many individuals showed up to start...even if they only lasted three days. After awhile, I learned to give it a few weeks before I generated all the new- hire paperwork that is time consuming and burdensome.

I have to tell you, is not the best place to advertise. Yet it reaches so many people, so I'm torn. The hookers are there. They contact me to go to their website and look at their pictures. Since I don't check it out, I'm guessing these are porn pictures. On another note, people have contacted me directly through our restaurant website, and even they don't show up. Or when they do, they are nut cases!

Before I scare you off from visiting the restaurant, let me say we hired a new cook and another server. Both of these individuals are crackerjacks at their jobs and I'm sure you will be as impressed as I am...and I'm not easily impressed. And yes, Paige is still there.

On another note, someone, and I don't know who, let the cat out of the bag that I am selling the restaurant. That deal fell through. We're still here. We want your business, so c'mon in!


Lastly, Deb fills in here and there. If you want to see her, well then, stop in. We have comfort food, Italian music, alcohol, and a welcoming know, smiling faces!


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