Part of the story is that earlier in the year, I let our web address lapse because it was going to be hosted in Australia. Let the record show that I have nothing against Australia or Australians. I just don't want my web site hosted there.
Once an address lapses, it has to sit idle for awhile. I got various answers, so I don't know for how long "awhile" actually is. What I know right now is that the original address is back on the shelf, so I bought it. It's hosted in the USA. Deb, Ralph, Tim, and I no longer have to say the long mouthful that became our website address. Ralph and Tim can go back to cooking the best Italian food and pizza in Bradenton and Deborah can go back to serving it!
As for the irate customer, I don't know. He never came into the restaurant nor did he order food. He offered to get us an easier website, blah blah blah, so we're thinking he made a cold call and was looking for business. No problem, sir, I got this and thanks so much for snapping me out of my stupor!!
In my own defense, I did purchase as well as a template. Frankly, I'm having difficulty learning to work within wordpress, probably once again due to all the fatigue. Not making excuses, that site has promise....I just have to take some free time and learn the wordpress basics and beyond. Please stop over there and see what you think. If you do a comparison, you're going to like the look and feel of better, at least for now.
I'd be lying if I said I don't ever have free time. Of course I have free time. The problem arises with what I decide to do with my free time. Biking recharges my batteries, so yes, I elect to go on 18, 23, and sometimes longer bike rides. I haven't found the cycle shorts that make 18 or 23 miles or longer comfortable in the saddle, so I have the blisters in unmentionable places to prove it.
So, what thoughts am I leaving you with today: solving problems while suffering from persistent chronic fatigue or blisters in unmentionable places? Well, that's up to you and whether problem solving or fun is your main agenda! You tell me!